It’s like, “Why?”, you know?

Don’t hate me…I know it has been too long and I promised I would write to you every month. I can’t believe I said that now! I could tell you I was “busy” (which is true, I was), or that I got way too into one of my latest novels and stayed up too late reading (also true) and I could tell you that I felt mom guilt for not spending time with my kids and instead spending time on here, and then I felt guilty for not spending enough time on here! All true things. But, does it matter? Nope.

So, I had to really think about what my “Why?” was. In other words, “Why did I start this blog?” . If I am being honest with myself it was to generate traffic to my landscape architecture company (CLICK HERE YOU GUYS TO SEE MY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE COMPANY) so I could have more clients and be totally popular. And well, guess what? I have had a lot of clients come to me lately which has me feeling so grateful and I can’t wait until they finish so I can show you guys these beautiful spaces that I am lucky enough to work on! I have not reached the “totally popular” goal yet, and after this mini “one on one” I had with myself, I decided I don’t think I ever will want that!

It turns out, all of my clients did not come to me because of one of my latest blog posts, or some picture I posted on here. Because of that, I decided I really needed to focus on creating them a good design, not good blog content. That is why it has been a couple months since I have posted. I really do enjoy writing posts though and now I just need to balance my time a little bit more.

Q & A: With myself and me:

Will I post regularly? Hmmm, while I will try to, I can’t make any promises. So, sorry probably not in the cards for now. But being sporadic is really exciting, right?

What about my giveaway? I feel very silly that the post I went out on was a giveaway post. Sorry! Yes! We have a grand prize winner (Rebecca in San Diego) and a second place winner (Rowena, surprise! Also, in San Diego) who have both been notified and the wheels are turning for them.

What are you working on that has you so “busy”? Oh so many fun things! A custom home remodel in Danville (think modern farm house), new construction in La Jolla (very modern), a mid-century modern house (also in La Jolla area) and when I am not working on those, I work at Grounded Landscape Architecture in Solana Beach where I work on some projects that are way cooler than me.

What novels are you reading? I just finished “The Great Alone” by Kristin Hannah: intense, but also great book. I just started “Daisy Jones and the Six” by Taylor Jenkins Reid: not done yet, but I like it so far! I am also reading a parenting book, because you know I have no idea what I am doing… “The Power of Showing Up” by Daniel J. Siegel MD and Tina Payne Bryson PhD. And lastly I am reading “Brain Rules” by John Medina. Because you actually retain the most information when you read three books at one time. Note: heavy sarcasm in that last sentence.

Anything else you want to share with us? Why yes! Thanks for asking. My favorite app is called “Picture This”. I use it all the time, and while it is $30/year, for me or any other landscape enthusiast it is money well spent. You take a picture of a plant that you don’t know the name of and it will TELL YOU! This is one of the better apps that I have used. It truly is magical, and I recommend it.

Okay, enough of me chatting, thanks for sticking around long enough to read this sentence. For that, please enjoy a picture of my dog who has the look on his face that says “Why, mom?” Very fitting for this post.

Drop a line if there is anything you want me to do a feature post on or if you just want to say hi!, because I would love that, too!

My dog Lenny in my front yard.

My dog Lenny in my front yard.