Hi again! So, if you can’t tell I’m new around here; here being the blog world and the business owner world (well, hopefully you can’t really tell…) I’m looking to expand my audience by means of this blog and I am looking for your help to do so. Don’t worry…your efforts won’t be in vain, everyone who enters will be entered in a raffle for a fabulous prize. Let’s get to the goods right away!

The prizes are: (Hold on, calm down, please don’t get too excited, I am not Oprah…)

First Place Prize: A Free Initial Landscape Design Consultation and Inspiration Boards

This is a typical starter pack that I provide for my residential clients, a $1,000-$1,500 value – all yours, all for free! I find this process invaluable for establishing a theme and to get the wheels turning. Included is:

  1. A one-hour digital design consultation (or in person if you are in San Diego county) where we discuss all things landscape related.

  2. A “plant palette” (one, 11” x 17” colored PDF with images and short description of plants I would recommend for your yard.)

  3. An inspirational “mood board” (one, 11x17” colored PDF with images to inspire ideas for your yard.)

    (See sample boards below…keep in mind, just like people, every yard is different, yours won’t necessarily look like this but it will still be great.)

Fine print: If you don’t have a yard, or your yard is already fabulous (which I don’t doubt!), you can defer for the 2nd place prize, OR donate this prize to a friend who would love this consultation even more than you (because sharing is caring). Sorry, not redeemable for cash.

Second place prize is this fabulous landscape architecture book:

Bernard Trainor: Ground Studio Landscapes


Bernard Trainor, a landscape architect in Northern California, has been crushing landscape architecture for a while now. His style is one of my favorites…natural, regionally aware, minimal and refined. This book contains some of his inspirational and stunning projects that he has completed with his firm, now called Ground Studios, and is currently on my bedside table. Sorry, also not redeemable for cash.

Here is how to enter:

First, make sure you are a subscriber to my blog: Easy, check.

Second, you will need to narrow down your list of friends to your top 10, minimum top 3, besties. Then, I would be so honored if you would jot their email down in the form below to send this site to them! They will get an email from you ratting you out that you submitted their emails on some giveaway (again) and then they will be begged (okay, just asked) to subscribe! You are of course welcome to simply copy your unique sharing URL for them and include your own message so they know it isn’t spam. Because that’s not us, we aren’t spam!

Then, you will need to follow my Pinterest “Inside Out” Page and lastly, if you could…just kidding that’s all.

So, please pass this blog or KHLA’s site along and nag any of your friends who love pretty things, landscape, architecture, landscape architecture, design, learning, loving, feasting your eyes, being surprised, and maybe even the great British Baking Show. If that describes someone you know or yourself, then please, by all means...subscribe! I will be sending out monthly emails featuring plants of the week, things I am loving, design challenges and destinations, guest posts and more!

Drawing and winners will be announced in next month’s blog post. That gives you one whole month to share with all your friends!

Lastly, I am truly so grateful for the support from all my friends and family as I start this new company and all that goes with it - I know that you are guys are taking time out of your busy day to read things that I have written, follow along with my projects, and get excited with me when I land new landscape architecture jobs. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart!