Carex Divulsa, Berkeley Sedge

I LOVE this plant. It is a compact, dark green, weeping grass that I can find a space for in any project, and usually do! I prefer it massed or along walkways. Carex divulsa can handle many soil conditions and is drought tolerant after established. It prefers occasional irrigation and probably a little lighter shade – but it just does fine in full sun in my garden. It is 12-18” tall and 2’ round. There is some controversy over the name (Carex Tumicola is what it was once known as, but they don’t make them anymore… but some places still call it that. Status: It’s complicated) but we won’t get into that here.

The sedge starts to turn a nice golden brown when it gets colder here in San Diego, which is also an attractive “fall” look to compliment the seasons. I cut 2/3 of it down in the “winter” to keep it tidy and to prevent it from getting too overgrown. (Note: the ““ when I’m regarding the seasons… you and I both know we don’t have seasons here, but it helps describe the calendar year). You could definitely let nature take it’s course and enjoy this sedge year round.

Do you have this in your garden? Let me know!

Source: Carex Divulsa looking splendid along the path

Source: Carex Divulsa looking splendid along the path

Plants, LatestKatie Hartman